Chapel Designers Day 1 – Keeping Great Company in NYC


Chapel Designers Holly Chapple NYC floral design flowers

I met some of the nicest, friendliest people last Sunday. I boarded the VAMOOSE and had two whole seats to myself and my Venti. Worked on figuring out the whole NSMobile Mail thing. It works! It was an uneventful trip, until I saw the NYC skyline. It was cloudy misty day, but NYC never looked so good to me.


It was a very quick walk to a terrific hotel. I have never stayed here before, but this is going to be on the list. I have an awesome room with a KEURIG. But my opinion is probably influenced by the warm wonderful hug and reception from Holly Chapple and the other designers I met. Lovely, friendly, sincere, nice and this is going to be a great week!

Ran down for a quick two hour shop to ABC Home and Fishs Eddy. Then I stumbled upon Safavieh. Amazing store. Amazing windows. Bring on the floral designing!

20130318-074652.jpg FISHs EDDY

20130318-075135.jpgCeramic molds at FISHs EDDY

ABC Home Shopping NYC

Fresh Catch at ABC Home



ABC Home NYC Shopping

The perfect chandelier for B to put in Gracie’s paddock

Shopping NYC


 I had a quick meet & greet with some ladies in the hotel restaurant, where I met a neighbor. White Magnolia Designs. I can’t wait to team up with her on something fun!

A quick change of clothes and then onto the reception at VASESource! We had the store to ourselves, THE CHAPEL DESIGNERS, and it was lovely! Every shelf was full with product and they generously offered all of us discounted pricing. It was great to grab some necessities. Wink Wink Nudge Nudge.


Shopping NYC VaseSource Chapel Designers floral design

VaseSource, Thank you for the Hospitality!


VaseSource Chapel Designers NYC Shopping

Danny was a wonderful, gracious host


NYC Shopping VaseSource Chapel Designers

The perfect vase for my favorite architect. Time for a party Jimmy


VaseSource Chapel Designers Shopping NYC Floral

A beautiful showroom at VaseSource


VaseSource flowers FloraMetz shopping NYC floral design Chapel Designers

Beautiful Flowers from FloraMetz gracing the VaseSource showroom


See you Tomorrow…

Helen Mills Studio Chapel Designers NYC floral design flowers

Anticipation is half the fun!

Why hello there

About Lisa

Designing the florals we'd have at our own friend's and family's weddings, occasions, and fabulous parties. Please give us a jingle...beautiful flowers, always!


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